All Elite Wrestling’s foray into Arthur Ashe stadium started with a bang. This past Wednesday’s Dynamite was a stellar show. AEW’s success continues to be as hot as the sun, with all of the momentum in the world. Were they able to keep the momentum going with a supersize edition of Rampage?!

Let’s find out!

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. CM Punk

Photo Credit: AEW

Team Taz is hellbent on ending CM Punk’s return before it truly has begun. The Powerhouse’s attack on Punk last week failed to take him out, and Punk is here to enact a little revenge.

CM Punk is back in his quintessential trunks and boots, and it looks SO much better. I assume the man wanted a different look in AEW, but he must have heard everyone’s disdain for the pants.

As the bell rings, Punk comes out hot and takes the early advantage. He targets the legs of Hobbs because that is where all of his power comes from. This is well done, and I like Punk trying to chop down the big man.

This ends quickly though, as Hook jumps onto the apron to distract Punk. It works and Hobbs blasts Punk in the back of the head. I cannot wait for the eventual Hook match. They have been teasing it for months, and Hook is getting more and more involved with each program he’s in. SEND HOOK.

Hobbs dominates Punk for a good portion of the match, but Punk is able to gain advantage with a devastating Swinging Neckbreaker. He then goes to the top rope and delivers his signature Elbow drop. It’s damn good to see him hit that, and he even looked scared to do it again. Punk has looked fantastic in two matches against two very different people.

There was one scary part where Hobbs had Punk in a powerbomb position on the top rope, and Punk reversed it into an avalanche hurricanrana. This looked awkward from the start and was out of sync, which led to Hobbs landing on his head. Everyone seemed to be okay, but Punk somehow started bleeding from his mouth.

The match ends when Hook jumps onto the apron again and Hobbs inadvertently hits him after Punk dodges. Punk hits the GTS for the victory.

This was a good match. I enjoyed it a lot, but it was slow. The crowd did not seem to be into it very much and I’m not sure why. Thankful nobody was hurt during the botch. Botches happen, and I’d never diss a match because of a big spot botch. I love Hobbs, and I cannot believe how good CM Punk looks. Prior to the match I wondered if he would be able to lift the massive Hobbs over his head, and he did not disappoint.


Segment: Thunder Rosa is pissed at Nyla Rose and Jade Cargill. She didn’t like their attempt to take her out prior to the All Out Battle Royale. Nyla and Jade don’t like each other either. Are they doing a three way program here? Interesting.

Superkliq vs. Christian Cage/Jurassic Express

Photo Credit: AEW

The feud between Jurassic Express, Christian Cage, and the Elite continues here. This match is the debut of the Superkliq in AEW, and the crowd shows their excitement with a HUGE pop for Adam Cole.

Adam Cole wants no part of Christian Cage or Jungle Boy to start. The whole match was loaded with crazy tandem moves from both teams. I love how Jungle Boy and Christian Cage are now working together on moves. Towards the end of the match, Jungle Boy hits a crazy step up Hurricanrana and German Suplex combo, and then Christian Cage comes from nowhere with a flying headbutt.

The Elite are going to be themselves and play the numbers game. That was the story of the match, with the Elite constantly gaining the upper hand. The newly formed Superkliq also had their fair share of tandem moves. Adam Cole was wrenching on Jungle Boy in a camel clutch, and the Young Bucks hit him with stereo dropkicks to the face. It looked brutal.

After Luchasaurus got the hot tag, he hit a bunch of chokeslams. However, he was outnumbered by the Elite after they hit low blows on Christian Cage and threw him and Jungle Boy off the side of the ramp. Adam Cole proceeded to hit a Panama Sunrise, Bucks hit a BTE trigger, and then the BOOM knee from Adam Cole for the pinfall.

Fantastic trios match! I want trios titles!!! Everything about this match was great, and the Superkliq are fantastic. I knew they would be, but watching them makes me smile.


Jericho/Hager vs. Men of the Year

Photo Credit: AEW

A little lull after the high octane first two matches with this match. It started slow and never really got going. Jericho and Hager start the match ahead, but Ethan Page kicks Jericho right in the head. I forget that Ethan Page is a black belt in Taekwondo. They hold the advantage for awhile, which includes a brutal crossbody from Page onto Hager’s face.

After Jericho manages the hot tag, he hits a picture perfect Lionsault. It’s pretty cool that a 50 year old can still hit that maneuver with ease. The coolest spot in the match is when Hager and Jericho lock in their submissions simultaneously, with Hager’s Ankle Lock and the Walls of Jericho. Dan Lambert is having none of it, and distracts the referee and gets it broken up.

Lambert also factors into the finish, as he trips Hager trying to run the ropes. Scorpio Sky hits him with a surprise rollup pinfall for the win.

Not my favorite match of the night, by far. It was fine, but nothing special.


After the match, Jericho and Hager grab Lambert. The American Top Team surrounds the ring in response and beat up Hager and Jericho. It’s pretty cool seeing non-wrestlers grouping up and getting the upper hand. Jorge Masvidal shows up and hits Jericho with a devastating running knee and knocks him out. I liked the after match segment better than the match!

Lucha Brothers/Proud and Powerful vs. HFO

Photo Credit: AEW

This match was high-octane nonstop fun, as most AEW multi-man matches are. There’s absolutely no way I could do justice to the amount of moves in this match. Incredibly fun match.

It starts with really cool Stereo dives with a moonsault by the Lucha Bros and PnP. I loved watching these two teams work together. They mixed and matched tandem moves. One time it was Fenix and Santana, and the other was Penta and Ortiz. I really liked this! Why wouldn’t they work together!?

About halfway through the match, Matt Hardy attempted to cut Santana’s hair. This triggered an appearance by Orange Cassidy, and he hit Jack Evans with an Orange Punch. I’m not exactly sure why that stopped Hardy from cutting Santana’s hair.

Multi-man matches have a specific point in the match where nobody cares about tagging in and out. Everyone just jumps in the ring and does something cool and rolls out. AEW has never address that their matches are “Lucha” rules, but they’re Lucha rules…

Lucha Bros hit the Fear Factor, and then PnP hit the Street Sweeper to pick up the victory.

This was unadulterated fun for fifteen minutes. I loved every second of this match! Multi-man matches in AEW are so much fun, and anything with the Lucha Bros and Proud and Powerful in it will be fantastic.


Segment: After the match, Matt Hardy is backstage and pissed off. He challenges Orange Cassidy to a hair vs. hair match, but not against him. It’s against Jack Evans.

I just want this feud over with…

Segment: Sammy Guevara and Fuego del Sol are on the ramp with Sammy’s cue cards. They don’t see Miro sneak up behind them, and he beats the crap out of them. Miro sends Fuego flying off of the ramp through a table, and locks in the Game Over onto Sammy.

This was amazing, and I can’t wait for Wednesday’s match between the two.

Segment: Andrade wants a rematch with PAC because ‘he doesn’t win like that.’


Anna Jay vs. Penelope Ford

Photo Credit: AEW

Anna Jay exists, and that’s too much for Penelope Ford and Bunny. Their incessant attempts to knock out Tay Conti and Anna have reached a boiling point.

Anna is pissed and attacks before the bell. Most of this match was dominated by Anna, as she kept attempting her Queenslayer choke. The Bunny kept interfering and distracting the referee. After the third time of her interference, the Bunny throws Brass Knuckles to Penelope. She knocks Anna out with the Brass Knuckles for the pinfall.

I just don’t like matches with constant interference. That’s not my style, and I didn’t like this at all. Next Wednesday we get a tag match between these two, Anna Jay, and Tay Conti. That should be better.


Tay Conti comes running down to save Anna Jay, but Penelope hits her with the Brass Knuckles too. Both ladies are knocked out, and the rest of the HFO are guarding the ring. Orange Cassidy, Kris Statlander, and the Dark Order come to save the day.

Dark Order seems to be getting along a little better. They all love Anna Jay and will come to her aid, regardless of problems. Both divisions of the Dark Order try to make up, but Evil Uno walks away.

Lights Out match: Suzuki-gun vs. Moxley/Kingston

Photo Credit: AEW

Because of the “Suzuki Incident,” we have an official reunion of Suzuki-gun! Suzuki and Archer are out for revenge for the events of Dynamite in Cincinnati, and a full ‘Lights out’ match is the result. This no rules match is technically not sanctioned by AEW and does not count towards any rankings. This match was absolute chaos.

I loved it.

Everything started with Archer and Suzuki coming out with Kendo sticks and beating up the ring crew guys. The brutality only escalated from there, and never stopped. Moxley and Suzuki had a duel of chairs on the ramp, Suzuki pump kicked Kingston through a table, and Archer chokeslammed Moxley into the other ring crew guys. This was in the first ten minutes!

At one point, Archer grabbed a strap from underneath the ring and choked Moxley by hanging him over the side of the ring. That was hard to look at. Suzuki proceeded to tie Moxley up with tape, and then whipped him with the strap. Moxley and Kingston were being destroyed unlike we’ve seen until a huge New York surprise showed up.

Archer is about to deliver a Blackout onto Kingston as the music of the legend Homicide begins to play. He attacks Suzuki-gun from behind and unties Moxley, who hits a Paradigm shift onto Suzuki. Kingston traps Archer into a trash can, hits him repeatedly with the kendo sticks, and covers him for the victory.

Every second of this match was awesome. Perfect television version of a lights out match! No blood was necessary, and it still felt like a brutal match. Minoru Suzuki is amazing. Him being chopped by Kingston and laughing about it was terrifying and hilarious at the same time.

After the match, it seemed like Moxley and Suzuki were still brawling. Maybe they’re doing one more match? I’d be okay with that!


And that concludes Grand Slam. AEW put on four hours of wrestling television, and it was awesome. Was Rampage better than Dynamite? No, I don’t think so. It was still a great time filled with good matches. I had a blast watching, and I’m sure the people in Arthur Ashe stadium had a good time.

All Elite Wrestling has all of the momentum right now, and I cannot wait to see where we go from here. I assume the build to Full Gear starts now, and that means one handsome Cowboy is about to come back. Yes please!

Match of the Night: (Lights out Match) Suzuki-gun vs. Mox/Kingston

This one was close. The trios match almost beat out the main event, but I like that feud a little more. CM Punk versus Hobbs was good, and the 8-man tag was good too. I had a great time this evening!

Verdict: 4/5 (Very Good)

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