All Elite Wrestling has called TNT home since its inception in 2019, and its constant growth has lead to a bigger network! This explosive episode of Dynamite was the TBS premiere, and it’s a stacked card. Somehow AEW has managed to fit three(!) championship matches on a two hour show. We’re getting Ruby Soho and Jade Cargill to crown the inaugural TBS champion, a tag team championship match between Jurassic Express and Lucha Bros, and the highly anticipated rematch between Hangman Adam Page and Bryan Danielson.
Did the show live up to expectations? Let’s find out!
AEW World Championship: Hangman Adam Page (c) vs. Bryan Danielson
As is tradition with Danielson bouts, the world title match started the night! It was a sixty minute time limit match with judges to prevent another time limit draw. Mark Henry, Jerry Lynn, and Paul Wight were revealed to be the judges and were sitting ringside.
And it was a perfect bloodbath that needs to be seen. Hangman and Danielson’s two bouts have been magical, and magical in different ways. Their first match was an epic bout with a perfect story and ended exactly as it should have. This match was more brutal, faster paced, and both men tried to kill each other. Neither man wanted this to be decided by the judges.
The match started slow like the previous bout, but escalated quickly. Danielson wasn’t taking it seriously again until Hangman hit a nasty powerbomb onto the apron. It wasn’t long before Danielson took control by injuring Hangman’s arm and constantly attacking it.
That was only the beginning of the story here, as Hangman begun bleeding from the head after running into the steps. This caused Danielson to change strategies. He began viciously attacking Hangman’s head, including ripping at the open wound right in front of the judges. It was an awesome visual. The visual was escalated even more after Danielson ended up cut open too. I cannot remember the last time Danielson bled in a wrestling ring.
The match escalated even further as Danielson continuously dodged the Buckshot Lariat. He even applied he Labelle Lock and hit the Flying Knee, but Hangman was not going to be denied. Hangman finally connected with the Buckshot Lariat and pinned Bryan Danielson.
My reviews for Dynamites usually take a day to write. When I originally started Game Over Gimmicks, I wanted to get out my review as soon as possible. This match made me realize why I take my time with my reviews.
Immediately following the match, I thought it was better than the previous bout from Winter is Coming. I rated their time limit draw a perfect score of 5/5, so how could it be better? Having re-watched this match and thinking about it, I think they’re both perfect. Both are perfect in their own ways and told beautifully crafted stories. There’s no such thing as a gradation of perfect.
Hangman vs. Danielson II was nonstop action and gore that escalated brilliantly to a true finish.
5/5 and obviously Match of the Night
MJF vs. Shawn Dean
Up next was MJF in rare wrestling action, but with a twist. CM Punk came running down to the ring as soon as the bell sounds and gives the GTS to Shawn Dean. Aubrey Edwards disqualifies MJF and gives the win to Dean! I can’t remember the last time AEW did a DQ finish! I absolutely loved how they used this to give MJF a loss. So funny!
After the “match,” MJF and Punk have another microphone battle with WWE references and attacking the New Jersey crowd. MJF threatened to leave and AEW and CM Punk’s retort was:
“And listen pal if you think the grass is greener on the other side, be my guest go ahead leave. Go main event night four of a buy one get one free extravaganza and then get released faster than you last in the sack”
So great. Punk just wants to face MJF and cannot do enough to get MJF to accept the match. However, we do get to see CM Punk vs. Wardlow next week!
ericho comes down to the ring and reminisces about being on TBS in 1999. He turns his attention to 2point0, who are summoned at the mention. Daniel Garcia attacks Jericho from behind causing Eddie Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz to come down for the save. We’re getting 2point0 and Garcia versus Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz on Rampage.
Adam Cole, O’Reilly, and Fish are backstage as Cole cuts a promo on newly signed Jake Atlas. Those two are going to fight on Friday’s Rampage.
Wardlow vs. Antonio Zambrano
Before the bell, Shawn Spears attacked the young kid and hits him with the C4. Spears wanted Wardlow to just pin Zambrano, but Wardlow proceeds to conduct the Powerbomb symphony anyway. He wanted to win the match his way and not because of Spears.
Every good squash gets a 3/5 from me.
TBS Championship: Jade Cargill vs. Ruby Soho
Crowning the first ever TBS Champion was up next! Could the underdog Ruby Soho overcome the odds against the dominant Jade Cargill?!
This TBS Championship tournament has been loaded with unbelievable talent putting on amazing matches. It was the perfect example of why wrestling tournaments are fantastic. On any given night, TBS tournament match often took home Match of the Night honors from me. Unfortunately, this match didn’t come close to the levels set by the rest of the tournament.
Ruby really came out swinging were her high octane offense until Jade’s strength took over. Most Jade matches play out the same. It’s usually Jade’s strength versus her opponents cunning or speed.
A few minutes into the match Mercedes Martinez comes down to the ring and Thunder Rosa evens the odds. Random question…Why does Jade need Mercedes? She’s an undefeated new champion who’s ascended to her spot on her own. She hasn’t cheated or stole any victories, outside of the Thunder Rosa one. Does an undefeated powerhouse need backup?
The match continues as Jade works on Ruby’s previously injured shoulder. Ruby ends up fighting back by targeting a tweaked knee on Jade. The match escalates into both ladies hitting moves and close pinfalls. This is where you can really see Jade’s experience because the rhythm is not there. She’s still awkward in the ring at times.
The match comes to a close with Ruby reversing the Jaded into the No Future kick, but Jade kicked out. Jade’s strength goes on display as she grabs Ruby and lifts her onto the top rope to hit an Avalanche Jaded for the pinfall. I’m not a huge fan of her finisher as is and adding the avalanche part of it, while being cool, just looked a little awkward.
Overall, I didn’t really enjoy this match. It was fine, but all of the TBS matches set a standard that this just did not hit for me. I’m happy for Jade, though.
Serena Deeb openly admitted to being the best in the division (she’s right) and wants to take out Shida. She called herself the “Professor of Professional Wrestling” because she “has a PhD in this shit.”
That’s a great line. We’re getting Shida and Deeb again next week! Not a big fan of how many rematches, but I’ll never complain about those two fighting.
Malakai Black vs. Brian Pillman Jr
Brian Pillman Jr wants revenge against Malakai Black after he’s tormented the young group for a few weeks. There’s a story brewing here and I’m patiently waiting for something to happen. Julia Hart is with Pillman and she donned a patch on the eye that Black sprayed the Mist.
This match was a little more evenly matched than I anticipated. Pillman really held his own for a majority of it. He was able to use his high energy offense to keep the pressure on the House of Black creator. They had a very nice back and forth affair until Malakai blasted him in the face with a round house kick. This leveled Pillman for quite a while.
He was able to fight back, however, and set Malakai up for his Air Pillman finishing move. I’m not sure if he meant to fall during his attempt, but he did, which allowed Malakai to hit the Black Mass spinning heel kick and pin Pillman.
This match was better than I expected. I was assuming Malakai would beat Pillman shortly, but that’s not what happened. Personally, I don’t believe Pillman should have gotten so much offense in. Isn’t Malakai supposed to be a man to fear? Isn’t he a stone cold killer? Decent match regardless.
After the match, Malakai comes back to the ring and confronts Julia Hart. The Lucha Bros come down for the save, but Malakai escapes by shutting the lights off. I guess having control of the lights is a power of Malakai? Usually there’s a surprise when AEW shuts the lights off. Maybe we’re too conditioned for that and AEW is tricking us until someone ends up debuting.
Ruby Soho is backstage with Schiavone until Britt Baker comes around to gloat. I think Ruby is going through a “can’t get the job done” storyline. She’s lost both of her opportunities for titles. Britt was there to remind her of that, which obviously led to a brawl. Riho comes from nowhere to help because her and Britt are fighting this Saturday.
Tag Team Championship: Lucha Brothers (c) vs. Jurassic Express
The main event for this episode of Dynamite was the Tag team championship match! Jurassic Express challenged the Lucha Bros in an incredibly fun and wild match with both a tragedy and surprise finish! We have new champions! There’s a dinosaur champ now!
That’s right! Jurassic Express pulled out the win in a blast of a main event. It started a little slow and uncoordinated, but the match improved once Luchasaurus hot tagged in. Tag team matches in AEW usually follow a pattern. One team takes over for awhile until we get a hot tag. All out warfare between both team follows without much room for tag rules. Combine that with the lackadaisical following of tag rules by the Lucha Bros, led to a wild match.
Trying to recap Lucha Bros matches is impossible. There are too many moves to keep up with! Both teams were flying around and hitting insane Canadian Destroyers. Jungle Boy literally spun off of Luchasaurus to hit one. You just have to tip your cap in appreciation of their unbelievable athleticism. I’ll never be that athletic!
Tragedy struck at the end of the match, however. After the Luchas hit their Fear Factor finishing move, Jungle Boy somehow kicked out. Luchasaurus grabbed Rey Fenix and choke slammed him through an outside table. Fenix’s arm somehow got trapped underneath him through the table. He was obviously injured.
The match came to a quick close after that. Jungle Boy reversed Penta into a rollup victory. Jurassic Express won the titles!
I believe AEW called an audible at the end. The finish came out of nowhere, for obvious reasons. Kudos to everyone in the match for staying focused despite the terrifying situation. They saved a great match. It was a little uncoordinated at times, but that didn’t stop my enjoyment of it. It could have been a lot better, but I thought it was perfectly fine at worst.
AEW Dynamite has proven that they can put on a great show, regardless of network. Tonight’s first episode on TBS was a great edition of Dynamite. The awesome main event match saved the second hour. I’m a little confused why both Hangman/Danielson matches have gone on first. Everything following them couldn’t keep up the amazing quality, which caused the episodes to suffer a little.
I’m just nitpicking. It’s what I have to do for awesome shows. I love Dynamite and the quality is always high. Match of the night was obviously Hangman and Danielson, but that main event was fantastic too. Early reports are showing that Fenix avoided a major injury. Such great news!
Great news following a great episode of Dynamite! There’s two more awesome nights of wrestling this week!
Verdict: 4/5 (Great)