Recently, I had my first ever stream over on I played Fall Guys for an hour and a half and I loved every second of it. I understand why so many people have jumped onto the streaming bandwagon because it is a blast. Only a few family and friends showed up, but I didn’t care. Experiencing a game with other people, even a small group, was a taste that only made me want more. I can’t wait to jump back into the streaming game.

Please go follow my Twitch to join me on this adventure!

However, this post isn’t just a shameless plug. Fall Guys is legit. I could have played that game for hours! In all actuality, I can’t stop playing Fall Guys. It is such a fun game with a basic concept that keeps me coming back for more. It’s one of those games where you say, “just one more,” after every race until four hours have passed.

And it’s free to play!

Addictive Gameplay

That little snippet of gameplay shows off how most Fall Guys games start. At the core of Fall Guys, it’s a 60 person Battle Royale that dwindles down to one eventual winner over the course of five rounds. All games begin with a race, but there’s so many different styles of game here. It’s kind of like if Mario Party became a Battle Royale, with a mix of Wipeout.

There are so many different game modes and maps that I still am discovering new ones. I was playing last night with a few friends and played three maps I hadn’t seen! Something new after almost eight hours of logged gameplay in a Battle Royale? That’s rare company.

And Fall Guys is so easy to start playing. It’s free to play and the controls are simple. The jump and dive buttons are the most used, with the grab trigger being saved for small parts of different maps. I was one second away from winning a match, except I didn’t know how to grab the winning crown! People of all ages can play this game and have a blast. It’s one of those games that is simple to play, but difficult to master. Repetitions of maps are the only way to figure out your path to victory, which I still have yet to taste.

It’s only a matter of time, however, because I’m obsessed with Fall Guys. Whether it’s on stream or off, I want to keep playing it. Every match is different than the last, which makes every single game fresh. I’ve never finished a match and wanted to stop playing. Every time I’ve thought, “do I have time for one more?!”

It’s such a blast of a game. The accessibility is another plus for it too. You can play it on any platform you choose: Xbox, Playstation, Switch, and PC. It’s cross platform for all of those as well. Just requires a free Epic Games account. This isn’t an official review of Fall Guys, but I highly recommend this game to anyone; kids and adults. It’s bundles of joy for all ages.

And come join me on Stream! We can play Fall Guys!

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