I am a man of simple tastes. I’m ecstatic to stay at home with my wife and dog, enjoy a good video game or TV show, and drink a cold beer. My life is one of contentment and a painless routine. 

That routine was broken for something rarely done: a weekend trip solely for me. Our travels frequently consist of couples’ celebrations or a band my wife wants to see. I’ve never put together a weekend away for myself. This was a mistake. Our trip to Orlando to see Trivium was short, sweet, and one to remember. And it reinforced a lesson learned during the pandemic. 

Life is short

Vacation Time!

Dropping the dog off at the in-laws for his first sleepover was an experience. The betrayed look on his face was like we were leaving him at the pound forever. Our drive to Orlando was a breeze, as was getting to dinner and the concert. Something was bound to go wrong, right? Vacations never go smoothly from start to finish. 

Dinner at the House of Blues was delicious, as was the ice cream at the nearby “Salt and Straw.” Highly recommended if you’re near one of their Florida or California locations. The company has received national acclaim for its wild ice cream flavors, like Cinnamon Snickerdoodle and Honey Lavender. Their ice cream is delicious!

The concert itself was a little uncomfortable. Finding a decent viewing area inside a packed can of sardines was a chore, but the House of Blues made any area inside the tiny venue sound great. The packed house was rocking as all three opening bands screamed and shredded their way into the hearts of adoring fans.

But the opening acts couldn’t touch the main event. Trivium had an amazing show. They played some of their best songs, some deep cuts, and everyone’s legs were screaming along with them. Standing in one spot for four hours makes one feel their age! Trivium made everything worth it, however, as their show was great. Our bodies might have had differing opinions in the forthcoming days…

Our quick trip came to an end after spending way too much money in a local comic book shop and at my wife’s favorite pizza joint. The drive home was also a breeze, and the shoe never dropped. How was that possible? I had a wonderful time and felt the love all weekend long. My wife wanted me to have fun because focusing solely on myself isn’t something that happens often. 

Why is doing something for me so foreign? What keeps me from partaking in fun stuff that fulfills me? Money, health, and responsibilities are easy excuses, but those are cop-outs. Money doesn’t go to the grave, I’m in fairly good health, and our adorable Corgi is a great dog and the lone responsibility we have. All three are things easily overcome. There are zero excuses to not have fun while we can. Before responsibilities and health make things more difficult.

A wonderful reinforcement of said lesson.

Life is short

Spoiler Alert…

History repeats itself. The shoe finally dropped. Someone within the sold-out confines of the House of Blues had COVID. Luckily, that person was in close proximity and handed me my third round of the pesky pandemic virus. I’m standing by what I said. That concert was well worth the four days of feeling ill. It’s a far cry from the unvaccinated ten day tussle I struggled against an original variant back in early 2021. 

The COVID Pandemic has taught me a lot of lessons and one of them comes around fairly often to remind me that life is short. 2020 rang in the new year with a shotgun blast to the face, but I’ve become a lot stronger because of it. Happiness and mental health are at the forefront of my awareness in 2022. Being able to control every nuance of life is impossible. The mystery of the unknown sparks fear and anxiety, but a shrouded future is your best teacher. I try to understand how I feel about the possible outcomes and make decisions based on that. And if I make the wrong decision, so be it! Control what you can and accept what you can’t.

Taking this Orlando trip brought consequences. I caught COVID again, missed a bunch of work, and felt like my head weighed 100 pounds for three days. Do I regret seeing one of my favorite bands? 

Absolutely not. 

Have I shortened my life by having three separate COVID cases? Maybe. Nobody knows the long-term effects of this disease yet. On the other hand, I would hate to stay inside and avoid fun vacations that I’ll remember forever. Life is short and life is hard, but doing as many fun and exciting things are what makes life worth living.

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